I am stealing the publisher description with this book: Right Now by Jessica Olien is “a lyrical and touching ode to the importance of individuality, respect, and self-love.”
The end.
The main issue with this book that I have is: This has been done before. Yes, it is for the younger crowd, therefore, we can grab them early. They can grow with the other books later one. When they start reading this could be added to that stack of read-alone titles. However, the market is getting saturated with these kinds of stories. And sadly, this one is not unique.
I also would love to see this in a larger board book format. I think that this would complement the text and the fun, bright illustrations of Olien as well. They are whimsical and delightfully light. There is not a lot of extra unneeded details and you see variety with the people and ideas. However, again, there is nothing really special about it.
With all that said, there is nothing wrong really with the book. It is just a nice, sweet book. It would be a nice baby shower gift, or a first birthday gift. Possible baptism or holiday gift. The read-to crowd would be toddler to about 5 and then they can start reading by themselves (with assistance). I like the colors used. There is something about them that is a contradiction of being bright, but soothing. They are loud and soft at the same time. They are child-like and of course, done by an adult. They are realistic without being “real” looking.
Overall, the right audience will have the perfect book for them. However, I am not that audience.