This is more of a 4.5 than a 4. I like it. The art is really “nifty” and cool. The story has been done before. However, it is done slightly different than usual as well. I am not sure it is really meant for kids (or if it is, at least 5 and up). It really is a more adult take on the subject.
The book itself is basic: With very simple text it talks about how instead of doing some of the violent protests we have seen, we can show how we feel with peaceful protests. We can vote, march and more. Our protests do not need to be huge (a vote seems small) but every one of the things we do to show how we feel is a protest. Peaceful Fights for Equal Rights by Rob Sanders has probably only one large flaw: those you need to read it, will not. People who already are politically active, are conscious of civil rights and more “aware” will be the readers. Yet, we do not really need them to “converted” we are preaching to the choir here. This is where if it is a children’s book, we can show them another way of having our voices heard.
The illustrations of Jared Andrew Schorr is what saved this book for me. Sure, I read and looked, but had to go back and notice details I had missed. The important information comes across but there are fun things to see as well. The cut-paper is a different way to illustrate. The colors are fun and the images will show many things we currently see (pride flags, multi-cultural and so much more).
These illustrations, once again, makes me think adults will get more out of it then children. With all that said, purchase this copy of a child, yourself and for friends. It is just really nice book.