In short, we were the smart kid school, Xavier’s School for the Gifted Youngsters minus the mutant abilities- unless you counted the polyglots and concert violinists as mutants, which wouldn’t be entirely unfair.
The Only Thing Worse Than Me is You is a very cute, somewhat predictable pieces of YA chock full of geeky references and snark. Trixie Watson and her friends attend a high school for gifted students where school ranks are flaunted and no one has had eight hours of sleep since Kindergarten. Trixie’s senior year goal is to graduate in third, behind her best friend Harper but ahead of her mortal enemy Ben. Unfortunately, Harper begins dating one of Ben’s best friends which merges their two groups together for better or for worse.
I’d hate to give too much away and I’ll admit I mistook the true A plot as B plot filler. The switch in the story line in the last third really takes this one from a 3 to a 4 Star. The nerdy banter is fun and Anderson really created a fun, unique setting for her characters to inhabit. Excellent debut! I feel like a movie adaptation starring Rowan Blanchard and Tom Holland could be this generation’s Mean Girls or Easy A.