So again this is from the publisher that went under so if you want to buy this book on Amazon hurry there are only a few left (she may independent publish these once she has the rights back from the publisher). I loved this book so much. It is a Magpie Lord linked story but it is pretty standalone (you will enjoy the cameos and understand the story a bit more if you have read the Magpie trilogy ((which is excellent so you should do that anyway)).
This is the story of ex-police officer Ben who had his life ruined when it was revealed he had been living with escaped murder suspect Jonah Pastern, a man who was a thief and a magician and a MAN. Ben went to prison, lost his job, and was disowned by his parents. And he wants payback. Of course things are not what he thought, and he manages to get himself in even more trouble with the magical police and the Metropolitan police, as well as Lord Crane when he chooses to protect Jonah and go on the run.
The love story is complicated and at points painful. The men are flawed but also sweet and wonderful. It is a full and complex story for such a short book and I really cannot recommend it enough.