Questions for both halves of the crackerjack reviewing team:
Have you been team-reviewing since the beginning? How long have you been participating, either separately or together?
Patty: I participated in CBR 4, I think? Only managed to actually review a handful of books. Katie has been much more diligent about it (as is her annoying, goody-two-shoes way). She took advantage of the fact that I was making love to a bottle of Glenfiddich one night and talked my drunk ass into doing a joint review.
Katie: I started with CBR7, reviewing by myself as katie71483. I was kinda stuck with reviewer’s block, so Patty suggested we do one together. The rest is history.
Do you know each other in real life, or is this all a beautiful CBR online friendship?
Katie: Never met the bitch. It’s all online. We do talk on the phone sometimes, so I guess all online isn’t true strictly speaking, but no, we’ve never met in person.
Patty: Our friendship was spawned by Pajiba. It’s weird because sometimes I have to explain to others that we’ve never actually met, but she has easily become a dear friend. Although my spouse maintains she is imaginary and an obvious cry for help.
How do you choose what to read next? Do you even TRY to read good stuff, or do you stick with the schlock for our amusement? (We appreciate you, either way.)
Patty: First Rule of CBR: what’s on sale or free on Amazon.
Second Rule of CBR: Lie to Katie about the quality of a crappy romance novel in order to convince her to read said crappy romance novel because getting sweary, all-capitalized messages from Katie means you’ve hit review gold.
Katie: It’s kind of organic. We come across stuff that looks so bad, we have to try it. For snark purposes. You understand. Some stuff we read because we like the authors and they produce consistently decent work, like Rhys Ford. We have an ARC review of her new book coming in September. Those are actually harder for me to write about. I have an easier time picking things apart.
We’ve hit upon some good stuff, almost by accident. It’s harder to snark when you actually like a book. Oh, and I make Patty pay for the Kristen Ashley. If she’s going to inflict that on me, she’s paying.
Questions for Patty:
Who is Katie’s favorite author?
Herself, Diana Gabaldon.
(Katie: truth. No one else is even close.)
Does Katie like Harry Potter better in book or movie form?
Book. Absolutely. Same goes for Fifty Shades.
(Katie: I’m never speaking to you again.)
What is Katie’s favorite snack food?
Anything made almost entirely of salt and with some weird Louisiana-creole made-up name.
(Katie: Wrong. SO wrong. It did make me think of one of my favorite YouTube videos though…)
Questions for Katie:
What is Patty’s favorite genre?
Gay Paranormal Romance
(Patty: That’s my escape genre. When I want to pretend I’m a sentient being, history or historical fiction.)
Does Patty like Lord of the Rings better in book or movie form?
Book. If she says movie, I divorce her.
(Patty: Never saw any of the movies. Read the books as a kid.)
Which is Patty’s favorite meal of the day?
Does scotchy scotch time count as a meal?
(Patty: Uh, yes! It also counts as a personality trait.)