One of the things I like most about doing the Cannonball every year is getting recommendations from other ‘ballers for books I might never have heard of otherwise. Honestly, I can’t believe I had never heard of Jim Butcher or Harry Dresden before, and for that I am sorry. And I also can’t believe that its taken me this long to get around to the first of the series, Storm Front.
I’m going to admit something to you about Storm Front. I had taken it out of the library at least twice before, started it, put it down, and returned it.
But then James Marsters happened.
I saw on Audible that Storm Front was on sale for something crazy like $4, so I downloaded it, pressed play, and from the first paragraph, I was all in.
I know I’m supposed to write about the book, so I will do that very briefly. Really, what I want to write about is James Marsters.
Quick book synopsis:
Harry Dresden is a wizard living and working in Chicago. He gets involved with all sorts of horrible things when a couple is found murdered in a hotel room with their hearts ripped out of their chests. The police bring him in as a paranormal advisor, and then all hell breaks loose. Gigantic scorpions! Hilarious, talking skulls! Faeries who like pizza! I loved every minute of it, and really look forward to reading (ahem, I mean, listening) to the next book as soon as I can.
And now, my thoughts on James Marsters.
Yes, I am a Spike girl, and I love him for that, but this was something completely different (except for the long, black duster coat. That was completely the same.)
Marsters really brought Harry to life for me. His reading was incredibly human — it was as if the real Harry was just telling me a story about something that happened to him once. It was filled with humanity, humor, horror, sarcasm, and sex (the voice, not the story. Harry doesn’t seem to be too lucky with the ladies just yet.) It made me want to know more about Harry, which I guess is the biggest compliment you can pay to the first book in a long series.
So thank you, James. You got me involved with a series that I’ve been meaning to get involved with for quite some time. But I couldn’t have done it without you.
**Alternate title, “Out. For. A. Walk…Bitch”
Strangely — or not at all strangely — this is the song that ran through my head the entire time I was listening to this book. He’s truly a man for all seasons.