The Life of Sophie Stark is a collection of short stories written by people who were affected by Sophie Stark, a creative but cold film maker. Sophie would best be described as a manic pixie nightmare girl; she was one of those permanently damaged characters that everyone worshipped.
Allison, the star of Sophie’s first feature film as well as Jacob, the musician who meets Sophie on a music video shoot that leads to their marriage, talk about falling in love with the work of Sophie as well as the person. Daniel, the first subject of Sophie’s singular focus talks about discovering the girl who stalked you has become something in the world and his attempt to reconnect with her. Life and Death is one of those books that you like despite disliking all of the main characters. Anna North created a truly vile cast of main characters; everyone was used by Sophie but in turn used her back. The least terrible narrator is Sophie’s brother, Robbie, who gives the reader insight on how bullied sister Emily became film sensation Sophie.
the Life and Death of Sophie Stark is an interesting pyschological thriller of sorts worth the couple of hours it will take you to read.