‘Tankbread 2: Immortal’ is the continuing tale of one extraordinary woman’s journey through a zombie apocalypse. The story begins with heroine Else giving birth to her son.
Else was my favourite character in the first book – she’s pretty kick-ass – so I was glad to find out she was now the main character. I wasn’t sure how well the story would pan out, or how gruesome it would get, with Else having to take care of a new-born in this vicious, zombie-infested landscape. There was a fair bit of gore, and it was definitely a brutal read, but I couldn’t put it down for a second. I didn’t think it was quite as brilliant as the first book, mainly because there was a bit of repetition and a few things weren’t quite as believable this time around. I can’t really expand on that without dropping spoilers, but Else goes around yelling the same thing at everyone and everything for a fair chunk of the first part, and while it’s understandable it also gets a bit irritating. That said, I still love this character. She’s still awesomely kick-ass and will likely remain a favourite character of mine for years to come.
The plot is pretty good, the setting’s a bit different from the typical city-full-of-zombies set-up, and the pace keeps things moving along nicely. If you’re a squeamish sort you won’t get very far, but true horror fans should find this a satisfyingly dark and disturbing read with an action-packed storyline and some surprising twists. There were a couple of really disturbing parts for me, but I was too swept up in the story to really falter when these shocks hit. The ending was pretty much perfect. I look forward to reading the third book soon.
Overall this is an excellent continuation. Highly recommended to fans of horror and zombie apocalypse tales.