Rape culture is real. But that doesn’t make me want to face it any more than I already have to in my life. I have had this book on my to read list since it was published in 2015.However I didn’t read it then, instead I picked up Into Thin Air to get a taste of Krakauer’s style before jumping into the deep end so to speak. I have comments across many Cannonball Read reviews of this book saying that I’m going to tackle it […]
A great primer in how both higher education and the justice system victimise women a second time in cases of rape and assault
I finally picked up Missoula just as the #metoo revelations started to pick up steam. As someone who’s had a lifetime full of #metoo moments, I was both eager and hesitant to dive into this read about multiple rape accusations in the college town of Missoula, Montana (home of the University of Montana Grizzlies!), and the school, and/or police investigations, (or lack thereof) and trials, (or lack thereof) which resulted from those accusations. This is not a good choice for the faint-hearted, or anyone who has been […]
Believe women.
There was no way this was going to be an easy read; listening to it on audiobook was downright chilling. I’ve gotta hand it to Krakauer for treating this topic and these women with the consideration and respect they deserve. This book is meticulously researched, and Krakauer’s forthright prose style works tremendously well when examining the testimony and transcripts that make up the evidence in the presented cases. Krakauer himself must needs very little editorializing to get the point across, because the documents speak for […]
Everybody, read this.
I’m so glad my book club picked this as our next book, because reading it made me rage hardcore and I need a group of awesome ladies and mimosas to decompress with. This book was upsetting. You’re either going to be horrified at the actual atrocities done to these women’s bodies, or you’re going to rage impotently at the ineffectual, dismissive way rape victims are treated by the law, and the way our culture almost 100% stands behind rapists. Or you will have both reactions at […]
Missoula is America
I’m a fan of Jon Krakauer’s other work, but when I heard he was coming out with a comprehensive look at the Missoula rape scandals in the last few years, I was hesitant. I had followed along with much of the reporting on those cases and am pretty tuned-in to the larger issues of rape culture in this country. Did I really want to read what a white dude (who may or may not be sympathetic to rape survivors) had to say about it? But […]