I, like so many of you other dedicated Cannonball Book Clubbers, am working my way through The Count of Monte Cristo. I have gone abridged, and it is still a long book. In that time, I have also been interspersing my reading with quicker, lighter, fare. Enter, Kingsman. This is lighter fare if you are a particular kind of reader, or find certain kinds of jokes funny. The first few pages of issue one, where (SPOILER) Mark Hamill gets killed, by accident? Perfection as far […]
What does it take to be a Kingsman?
I love me some Colin Firth. I also love me a good action movie. So when The Chancellor suggested a date night to see Kingsman: The Secret Service for Valentine’s Day, I was elated. Seriously, who needs Fifty Shades of Bleh? Overall, I enjoyed the movie up to the very end when a crude and tasteless sexist joke left a bad taste in my mouth. I was curioust o see how the graphic novel stacked up, and how Matthew Vaughn drew from the source material. […]
When Good Superheros Go Rogue
I have a confession to make. Please don’t judge me for this, but before I saw The Avengers I didn’t know anything about Marvel Comics. I hadn’t seen any of the other movies yet. I’d heard about them, of course, but they never interested me enough to really make the effort to see them. After The Avengers, though, I made a point to watch them all and now own most of them. I eagerly read each piece of news about the new movies as they […]