So now y’all know just exactly how far behind I am in my reviews. We read this book back in June? I think? Effff, I wish I would have written this review back then. I had so many thoughts!! Now, they are mostly all gone. GONE I TELL YOU, like piss in the wind. Sorry, that was vulgar. Sometimes I am vulgar. It should pass. But you know what, I’m feeling in the mood right now. I’m full of it. What you might call piss […]
It’s true that they don’t make good romantic comedies anymore
This was the most recent book club entry in the Cannonball Book Club, where the theme was movie related non-fiction. It wasn’t the book I voted for, but book clubs are all about expanding ones horizons and reading things you wouldn’t necessarily pick yourself, so I downloaded it from the library and started reading. Sadly, on the day of the actual book club discussion, I was feeling unwell, and not really able to take part as much as I would have liked. Of course, now it’s […]
Still Wishing that Andie Had Chosen Duckie
I really should have written this review two weeks ago when this book was still fresh in my mind, but life had other plans. Still, my overall impression remains the same – this was a fun and often funny read that was both a trip down memory lane but also a reminder that everyone experiences a decade and movies differently. As an early Gen X-er (who attended most of high school and all of her undergraduate years in the 80’s), some of my touchstone movies […]
I think she got her subtitle wrong
I read a decent amount of non-fiction in my life, so our June Book Club book, Life Moves Pretty Fast: The Lessons We Learned from Eighties Movies was right up my alley. I also really enjoy the process, the lore, and the production decisions surrounding Hollywood and the film industry, which is why I decided to skew our non-fiction selections a certain way. You all decided 80s was the way to go and here we are. I liked this book fine, but I think Hadley Freeman (while […]
Book Club Discussion Post: Life Moves Pretty Fast
Welcome to our second book club chat of the year: Life Moves Pretty Fast by Hadley Freeman. I’m so excited to talk the movies of the Eighties and this book with all of you! Ground rules remain the same as they always have. For those of you who might be joining us for the first time (hello new friends!) all are welcome. All of our topics are numbered and we ask that you refer to them below by that number to help people find the conversation topics […]
Discussion Topics: Life Moves Pretty Fast
Our Discussion Post is live – join us now to discuss Life Moves Pretty Fast. We’re quickly approaching our second Book Club of the year: Non-fiction. Life Moves Pretty Fast by Hadley Freeman won the vote, and we are just over a week to go time. Our group chat about Eighties Movies and this book will get going around 2 p.m. Eastern on Wednesday June 14 both here and in our Facebook group, the Book Chat. Book Club is open to anyone and everyone, and with […]