As a woman in my 30s, I am definitely aware of the presence and significance of Judy Blume. And the fact that she recently celebrate her 80th birthday! (You hang in there, Judy). I read all the classics in my youth and read Summer Sisters a few years ago. I remember the former being formative and the latter not really at all, and that should have been an indicator of how I would feel about this book: a resounding shoulder shrug. I would say I […]
A bit of a disappointing last book for Judy Blume.
Like most children born in the 1970s and 1980s (and I hope, the 1990s), Judy Blume books made frequent and prolonged appearances in my household. My personal favorites were always the Fudge books. I was (and still am) a lover of scatological and body humor, so Fudge eating his brother Peter’s turtle always appealed to me on a base level. And of course, Are You There God? It’s Me, Margaret was there to ease me into puberty and ask all the awkward questions. I never got around to reading her […]
Judy Is My Queen
We all remember out first, right? Mine was Just As Long As We’re Together when I was 12 or 13. I remember being excited because we sang that song, Side by Side, in middle school chorus. Then was Are You There God? It’s Me, Margaret, not too long after. Summer Sisters was my first “grown up” Judy Blume book, read on a beach vacation while I was in college. There is no one else that writes like Blume. There’s such realism and relate-ability in her novels. Her work is […]