I’m super behind on reviews (tbh, I feel like I’m super behind on life right now as I try to finish the PhD) but I read this one last night and it annoyed me SO MUCH that I had to write a review. Summary: Daniel and Laura are your typical middle-class British holidayers, backpacking around Europe before they decide to settle down, get married, and have a baby. While traveling through Romania, they hit trouble: kicked off a train with only another Romanian woman for […]
Never Going to Romania…Sorry, Not Sorry
Follow You Home follows (see what I did there?) Daniel and Laura as they are wrapping up what is supposed to be a trip of a lifetime. After this, these thirty somethings are going to settle down, have a baby and live an uneventful but happy life in London. But you know what they say about best laid plans right? Yeah, everything pretty much goes to hell. The happy couple find themselves on a train travelling through Romania. There’s already a little tension because Daniel […]
If you go into the woods today…but really, this isn’t a teddy bear picnic.
I birthed a little person recently. So reading is about as much a priority as wearing a shirt right now. However, I have a lot of “down” time in the form of rocking and feeding said little person. So a free book on my Kindle was in order. Enter Follow You Home. It was on my Kindle. It was free. I didn’t have to wear a shirt. Done. I got through this book in two days, which is record time for me. I don’t know […]