I don’t remember where I heard about this comic, just that I did, and immediately reserved it at my library. Watching the 50th Anniversary special a couple of years ago was one of the best fictional experiences I’ve ever had, so I was looking to recreate the feeling a little. Alas, this comic does not manage to convey the feeling of a Doctor Meet-Up, and honestly for me it didn’t even convey “Doctor Who.” I suppose if this had been a TV episode or even […]
An excellent continuation of the new Doctor Who comics series
(This post originally appeared on Glorified Love Letters.) Talking about individual comics issues is somewhat difficult, for one does not want to spoil the story. However, let me continue to encourage you to look into the two new Doctor Who comics runs for both the Tenth and Eleventh Doctors with this brief look. (For a basic background, do check out my thoughts on the first issues for both Doctors here.) The Tenth Doctor and Gabriela are still fighting a strange creature in New York that has […]
Such outstanding first issues that I am already itching for the collected volume
(This post originally appeared on Glorified Love Letters.) Lately I’ve been dipping into the world of Doctor Who comics with both the Tenth and Eleventh Doctors, but today I’ve read the brand new releases from Titan Comics:Doctor Who: The Tenth Doctor #1 and Doctor Who: The Eleventh Doctor #1, which are such outstanding first issues that I am already itching for the collected volume. The Tenth Doctor’s first issue takes place some time after he has left Donna, but before Waters of Mars. Interestingly, he […]