This is going to be the hardest and, at the same time, the easiest review I’ve ever written. To put it bluntly, Tiny Beautiful Things must be required reading for anyone who is a human. Full disclosure: when my husband left me, I didn’t talk about it for a long while except with him (it was a mostly one-sided conversation) and a handful of very close confidantes. When I opened up my circle of trust, I found what I should have realized sooner was a […]
Thanks to you Cannonballers for this recommendation!
While on vacation at my in-laws’ house, I read Wild and completely freaked out over how amazing it was. In the comments section, not one, not two, but THREE awesome people immediately recommended her advice column (“Dear Sugar”) and the book of compilation columns, Tiny Beautiful Things. So, being eager for more things Cheryl Strayed and in love with her writing, I promptly borrowed my library’s ebook. And then proceeded to read it greedily, tears pouring down my face half the time. Let’s start with […]
Advice on Love and Life
This compilation of advice columns was recommended to me by my 25-year-old daughter, the same daughter who introduced me to Cannonball Read and whose taste in literature I admire 99% of the time. Not a devotee of the chicken soup series, I was—to put it mildly–reticent to read something subtitled “Advice on love and life from Dear Sugar.” But after reading one question to “Sugar” and her reply, I was totally hooked. “Sugar” is the name taken by Cheryl Strayed, best-selling author of the memoir […]
Time of Unsettledness
I am at a time of crossroads in my life and I went out looking for a book that would speak directly to me in this time of unsettledness. I remembered reading some of Sugar’s posts on The Rumpus after I read Wild so I thought why not read Tiny Beautiful Things? I’m glad I decided to, because Sugar’s voice was what I needed, what I still need. I cried more than once reading her responses to the letters she received. The stories that arrive […]