There’s some satisfying symmetry to reviewing a gender-bent, acid trip of a reworked classic and absolutely hating every second of it (see my review for Pussy, King of Pirates from earlier in the year) and reviewing a gender-bent, acid trip of a reworked classic and absolutely loving it (see my review of ODY-C, right here!). First off, the coloring and the artwork are dazzling and delightful. There is a full page panel of Zeus, in all her glory (oh, yeah, small plot detail, Zeus eradicates […]
Blood, Blood, Everywhere, Nor Any Drop To…
Ody-C #4 is gross. Red and purple and brown carnage spills across its pages. It may be strange to call such gore beautiful, but there are many strangely beautiful things about this comic. As graphic as it is, particularly in the first few pages, it doesn’t feel like it’s played for shock value. I mean, the gore portrayed is about as disgusting as I imagine the lair of a carnivorous cyclops would be. Not that it’s something I imagine often. In this installment we return […]
Odyssia vs. the Cyclops
After a century of war, Odyssia and her warriors have left Troiia in ruins. Despite their victory they have many challenges yet to face, not the least of which is the ire of Zeus and Poseidon. Having dealt with treachery on her own ship and resisted the temptation offered by the Lotus-Eaters, Odyssia is once again on the path home. Ody-C #3 begins with a flashback to the birth of the goddess Apollo. Or is it Dionysus? Continue reading on Women Write About Comics.