So this is my least favorite John Green book so far, but the thing about that is that saying “least favorite” in this context is about like saying, “Oh, that chocolate ice cream with the peanut butter swirls really just pales in comparison to the mint-chocolate chip and the Cherry Garcia over there.” You give me the fucking ice cream right now and I will shove it in my face. Nominally, An Abundance of Katherines is about a former child prodigy named Colin who has […]
An Abundance of Moping
Colin Singleton is a child prodigy, convinced that as he ages, he becomes less remarkable with each passing day. While able to converse in eleven different languages and capable of memorising the majority of everything he reads (for hours every day), he’s not really able to adapt the reading into anything new – like a true genius would be able to. He desperately wants to make some sort of significant contribution to the world, even more so after he’s crushed when dumped by his girlfriend […]
A Cabana Freshened Ink Unto
I finished this book last weekend, and keep meaning to write the review but I think the fact that it escaped me for nearly 5 days says a lot about my reading experience. But let’s start at the beginning. Back for the CBR4 I read The Fault in Our Stars and like most of the other Cannonballers, I loved it. So, I decided to see what else this John Green fellow had written. Being me I needed to start back at the beginning so last […]
An Abundance of Anagrams
The Fault in Our Stars has, hands down, been my favorite book of the year. I passed by An Abundance of Katherines at a Half Price Books and thought I’d see what else John Green had to offer. I should have read AAoK first, because it was a good book- but it wasn’t a great book. When it comes to relationships, Colin Singleton’s type is girls named Katherine. And when it comes to girls named Katherine, Colin is always getting dumped. Nineteen times, to […]