You know I love you girl, but I need you to look at your life. I need you to look at your choices.
There’s really no way to not spoil the heck out of the thirty-first book in this series. I’ll do my best to put the really spoily stuff at the bottom though in case you have decided to catch up.
This is a comfort series for me; you know what you’re getting before you even start reading. Stephanie is going to have to chase down some criminals. This time it’s a vampire, a semi-senile mobster, and Robin Hoodie. Lula will both help and hinder in her most fabulous way. Grandma Mazur is still monopolizing the cookie table at the funeral home. The wider cast of characters such as Connie and Stephanie’s parents (and Rex! And Bob!) will all make appearances. So much food will be eaten, forcing me to make a meatloaf of my own just so I can have a sandwich too.
And then there is the love triangle between Stephanie, Morelli, and Ranger. She’s been bouncing back and forth between the two for thirty books. It felt as if we were building towards Stephanie finally making some sort of choice. Aaaaaand then she ended the last book engaged to them both.
I’d like to have it on record that when she does finally choose at the end she chooses wrong, so so wrong. I’m confident she’ll figure it out though. What else are we going to do for book thirty-two?