Victoria is in a terrible, shitty, no-good marriage. Her husband charmed her when she was very young and impressionable and persuaded her to move to an island in the middle of freaking nowhere and become his assistant lighthouse keeper. Also to cook and clean and obey his every little whim. Basically, he sucks. He sucks so bad that I have forgotten his name and I can’t be bothered to go look it up. One night, Victoria decided to run away. Except they are on an island, so row away? Either way, her teeny rowboat capsizes and she begins to drown. However, she is saved by a beautiful male Siren. She has been taught all her life that the sirens are evil, but this one agrees to save her and give her five more years of life on land. Since she was about to die, this seems like a good deal. By the way, all of this is just the prologue to this book. A LOT happens, and I never like to give away too much in my reviews. Just know that the real story picks up almost five years later when Victoria is taken under the water to be prepared as a sacrifice to the God of Death.
This is the fourth book in Elise Kova’s Married to Magic series, which is a series of inter-connected standalone novels where a normal human woman becomes romantically entangled with a magical man, such as an Elf King, Fae Prince, Vampire Lord, and now a Siren Duke. Of the four, this was one of the slower ones to really get going, but as always, I was hooked. The love story was slow enough that it was believable, and I was genuinely heartsick at a few points in the story. I’m also a sucker for the narration of Elizabeth Evans. Her voice just makes me happy.
CBR 15 Bingo – On the Road. There is so much travel in this book, both above and below the water and between the realms of the living and the dead.
I know Bingo is officially over, but I’ve decided to give myself grace and go until the end of the year. I’m about 5 more books away from a blackout, and I’ve already selected what will fill most of those spots. Now I just have to catch up on reviews!