All too soon summer is over, time for us to reflect on our summer reading. Did you get to all the beach reads you wanted? Did you complete a summer reading program at your local library? Did you tackle a book that has been on your TBR list forever? Did you read any of the “hot” summer titles? Did you follow any celebrity summer reading lists?
Well, enough about you, here is my summer reading in a nutshell. I once again participated in my local library summer reading program. I proudly logged my reading time of at least 30 minutes every day. I did most of their recommended activities to earn badges – including sending a postcard, going to the local farmer’s market, watching the sun set, and visiting a garden. I also discussed over a dozen books at various book clubs.
I even wrote this poem:
Writing a poem
To complete summer reading
So glad for Haiku
Share in the comments below the highlights of your 2023 summer reading.