“It is violence that best overcomes hate, vengeance that most certainly heals injury, and a good cup of tea that soothes the most anguished soul.” – Motto of the Wisteria Society of Lady Scoundrels
Cecilia Bassingthwaite has been raised by her hypochondriac spinster Aunt ever since she was seven and her Father murdered her Mother and tried to kidnap her. Because of her father’s terrible reputation, the other ladies of the Wisteria Society don’t trust her enough to make her a full-fledged member, which vexes Cecilia to no end. She is then delighted when the Pirate Captain Ned Lightbourne shows up at her doorstep announcing he has been hired by her Aunt’s rival to assassinate her. Maybe she will finally been accepted as a full-fledged member! Wacky antics ensue, and the more Cecilia encounters Captain Lightbourne, the more she seems to be falling for him. He fell for her at first sight, so this seems only fair.
This book is what would happen if Jane Austen wrote about a society of female pirates, only instead of ships, they have magical flying houses. I liked this book, but I didn’t LOVE it like I feel I should have. I think I would enjoy it more on a re-read where I more fully understand what the Hell is going on. I am however, head over heels for Captain Ned Lightbourne. He has moved high up the ranks of Book Boyfriends. Captain Jack Sparrow Who??? Dread Pirate Roberts, we don’t know him! This is a Pirate boyfriend who steals his woman an entire Library!