A review of another book summed this one up perfectly for me: this is a rebound book. You’re kind of interested but not really. You’re not ready for anything heavy so you pick it in an I-guess-it’s-you kinda way. You have some mildly entertaining dates but you feel like you’re just passing the time. You’re holding its hand while in the relationship waiting room, hoping for something better.
This is that book for me. It’s been a rough week professionally and I don’t want to go into details. So I needed something simple, something that would be there for me and didn’t require a full on commitment.
I’ve tried other books with Alice Feeney that didn’t work for me so I don’t know if it was just the moment here or what but I was able to get through this one. Most of it was predictable and I greatly suggest you don’t read the preview they have in the cover flap. The twist was interesting and well executed, I don’t know if I liked it per se but it worked well enough to match the ridiculous nature of the book. I might have even given this a charitable 4-star rating had the characters all not been terrible people and the motive unclear. Seriously, I finished this days ago and I’m still trying to parse out why the (blank) did (blank) to (blank). Maybe they just wanted to wind up in a mystery novel. Alas.
So yeah, thanks for getting me through, Daisy Darker. Time for both of us to move on to better things.