Welcome to the Cannonball Read 15 Passport Challenge!
This is a year long, self-directed challenge. You set your own pace reading and reviewing 1-15 books. There are 5 challenges. You can read 3 books from each challenge, read up to 15 books for 1 challenge, or between 1-15 books from any combination of challenges.
The challenges:
- Books recommended by friends
- Books from different countries (set in, written by authors from, translated from a language of)
- Different genres (or subgenres, for example space opera, hard sci-fi, and post-apocalyptic are three distinct subgenres of science fiction)
- New to you authors
- Books you already own (travel your bookshelf!)
Download Rules and Passport Itinerary
- Full Color Printable PDF Rules & Itinerary
- Social Media Itinerary
- CBR15 Seal
This challenge can be as big a part of your Cannonball Read 15 experience as you would like. It can help you choose books, or give you a starting point for your review (always the most difficult part of Cannonball Read). Don’t know what to say about a book? Start by telling us why you chose that book for the challenge.
We always encourage you to seek out books and authors that stretch your horizons. Despite what some people assert, authors from marginalized groups (BIPOC, Queer, Disabled, Neurodivergent) do not have an easier path to publication, nor are their books promoted as well beyond spotlight months. We at CBR encourage any readership we can.
Please also remember that these reading challenges should be fun! Don’t torture yourself reading a book you aren’t enjoying. Life is too short and there are too many books in the world. You can review a book you didn’t finish. If you have a question, please feel free to send us a message via the contact form.
All Cannonball Read rules apply to this challenge. There will be a check in post in July, and a wrap up post in December. Any books reviewed for this challenge during Bingo are also eligible for Bingo.