I’m just going to start this one by saying that my review is full of spoilers. I don’t know how to talk about this book without ruining it! I’m not sure if anyone reading this review wants to read the book, so I’ll do a little intro, then move onto the spoilers with plenty of warning.
The main character is a young woman named Mickie Lambert. I had a realllly hard time connecting to her. She’s in her early 20’s living above her parent’s garage. She works for a really cool company that sells and creates digital scrapbooks. They’re just like they sound – a scrapbook of memories that people provide, but the pictures are digital, and the book reads some memories aloud to accompany the picture.
I think my biggest problem with Mickie was that she seemed like a spoiled only child, and a little bratty. She “borrows” her mother’s clothes all the time, and doesn’t seem to take good care of them. She’s on and off dating a married asshole who treats her like garbage. She just did a lot of things where I was like “why the efff did you do that?”, so like I said, I didn’t really connect.
Ok, here come the spoilers…
She’s got a new client and she starts creating this woman’s digital scrapbook. The woman is murdered after Mickie meets her just once and has barely started the project. Weird and scary things start happening to Mickie as she’s continuing the scrapbook work. Not really spoilers yet I guess.
But as Mickie starts detailing the items for the murdered woman, a pattern (in my mind) starts to emerge. This woman meets strangers on the road, she helps them with some task, and then gets a minor object as a reward. I started to think – I think this woman is a serial killer and these are her trophies. Now I’m not one of those people who is like “I saw the twist coming and figured it out”, but I saw the twist coming, thought it wasn’t possible, and then it was confirmed that I was right. That was my favorite part of this book. What a cool idea! A serial killer starts to get dementia / lose control of her mind, wants to keep her memories (trophies) somewhere, and then it turns into a murder mystery. I think I’d like the book much more if the main character didn’t annoy me so much though!