And… she’s back! Yes, there’s more Flavia De Luce! If you thought this was going to be a duology, then think again!
A Red Herring Without Mustard is the 3rd book of the Flavia De Luce series. Flavia asked a Gypsy woman at a fair to tell her fortune, but never expected what happened next. She stumbled across the woman bludgeoned in the wee hours in her (the woman’s) carrivan. But was the crime committed an act of revenge (something that Flavia certainly understands, thanks to her two older sisters Daphnie and Ophelia)? But is this crime somehow connected to the missing baby? Or does it have something to do with the weird sect who met at the river to practice their secret rites? But when trying to work this out, Flavia stumbles across another corpse, this one in the drawing-room at Buckshaw! As Flavia tries to solve this fishy* mystery, red herrings* and all, she comes across the most important question of all. Who really is Flavia De Luce?
This book was a great 3rd increment to the Flavia De Luce series. Much like the second book, it kept the same standards but wasn’t redundant. I love how each mystery is just as unique and puzzling as the last, and the police are really starting to rely on Flavia! One of my favorite parts about this series is how Flavia is written mostly like a normal girl, with feelings, jokes, and her trusty bicycle. I would definitely recommend this book to fans of the first two.
*All puns were intended. Sorry, I can’t help it!