I did get a kick out of seeing The Drawing of the Three in comic form, but how the illustrators drew Roland didn’t gibe with how he looks like in my head. We get more of a complete story in this graphic novel (since we had bits and pieces of Eddie’s story told throughout the series) so that was great to see. I just thought some things could have been drawn out a bit more and don’t know if readers really need this if they have read “The Drawing of the Three” but it’s nice to see the book in graphic novel form.
“The Prisoner” is a graphic novel of Stephen King’s Drawing of the Three. Not the first book in the Dark Tower series, but the second. We get more of Eddie in this one and the voice sounds just like him (which makes sense since they took pieces from that book and just whole sell dropped them in). This first book shows us everything right up to Eddie going on the disastrous plane ride and meeting Roland for the first time.
Ahh Eddie. I will just forget what happens to you down the line. I was glad to see that I still loathed Henry even in graphic novel form. We get to see more scenes that actually do look the way that I always imagined in my head. We also get to see/hear Jack and Balazar.
The writing works because this was always one of the most well put together parts of The Dark Tower series. The flow is great too. We follow Eddie from 2 to his plane ride/meet of Roland and the first that Roland draws.
I think the illustrations are nice too. I always loved the description of The Tower and the field of roses that were so crammed together it looked liked blood.
Anyway onto book two. I also realized that I really need to go back and finish the gunslinger graphic novels that show his life before he met his ka-tet.