In one word: Surprising
All right people. I’m here again with more thoughts on Jim Butcher and The Dresden Files, with book 13. In case you haven’t read my reviews of the previous 12 novels, here are my general impressions:
1. This series is like the Suki Stackhouse Tru Blood books; you just replace a clairvoyant vampire-loving waitress with a wizard half-vampire-loving detective. Silly, sexy, warring, magical fun times abound.
2. I am 60% here for this series because James Marsters, aka, Spike from Buffy reads it to me when I go for walks. Without that, I don’t know if I’d be in so deep.
3. I was talking with my husband about how misogynistic the main character is, and he was surprised I’d read a series that had a main character so vile. After further examination, I realized was being a bit broad with the application of “misogynist.” More accurately Dresden is sexist, he at least knows and labels his sexism, but it does wear thin. “I know it’s sexist but” is tired. I wish the character would evolve but it’s safe to say 13 books in, that ain’t happening.
Now, on to this book! I don’t think it is possible to do a spoiler-free review of this book. In fact, talking about this book pretty well spoils a huge plot point of the series. So if you haven’t read, but you might, and you like surprises just know that I applaud the direction Butcher took in this book, I thought it was bold and interesting. Buuut if you wanna know more, keep reading.
Okay. You’re still here. Here is the deal. At the end of book 12, Dresden is shot, falls off a boat into icy Lake Michigan and is “dead.” I used quotes because they leave it like he’s dead but duh, he can’t be dead cuz he is the main character but OH BOY YOU WOULD BE WRONG. He is super dead, hence the on-the-nose title, as he is now misting around as a ghost. Killing the main character after a dozen novels is a fun twist especially because there are more books down the line! This book picks up more or less after the previous novel where we see a world of consequences for his friends and loved ones after the death that Dresden and company reigned down in book 12. It breathed new life and new angles into the series, and was a lot of fun. I don’t know if I love the ending, but I have book 14 in my queue so I’m still along for the ride.