The Tea Dragon Society by Katie O’Neill
My rating: 3 of 5 stars
I first heard about the tea dragon society through the card game. Playing the game, I found in the directions that there was a graphic novel upon which the game was based.
The world of tea dragons is a fantastical realm in which tea dragons of various species (rooibos, ginseng, jasmine, and chamomile) grow magical leaves on their horns. Drinking the tea gives the tea dragon’s owner a chance to relive the memories the dragon and owner have shared.
The story in the graphic novel is told from Greta, a young goblin learning her family’s blacksmithing trade, who happens upon a lost tea dragon and in reuniting it with its owners, learns about the tea dragon society.
The theme in this book is that old traditions are not completely lost just because a lot of people don’t remember to keep them alive. There are people in the next generation who are willing to carry on the tradition albeit in a new fashion.
This was a fun quick read. I don’t know that I would read it again, but if another volume came out I would make sure to read it.