The first sentence of Skye Kilaen’s Glorious Day sold me. The fact that it was a fast moving, thoughtful, quick read kept me.
It had been difficult that morning to fit treason in around my duties as vice-captain of the castle complex’s security forces.
Elsenna Hazen is providing information to a rebel faction and hoping an end to the current king’s rule comes swiftly. She does not expect to survive the coming coup, in whatever form it takes. The Princess throws a wrench into Vice-Captain Hazen’s plans by insisting she will only be comfortable with Elsenna as her bodyguard. Elsenna was once the Princess’s bodyguard, and fell in love with her. The pining is swoon worthy. Becacuse of their class differences and the dangers of their current situation, Elsenna and the Princess keep their emotions locked down and masked, but Skye Kilaen makes them simmer under the surface. The first part of the book feels like a cork that’s about to pop.
Elsenna feels terrible guilt for the orders she has followed and sees her likely execution as either a traitor to the crown, or for her sins as a security officer, as inevitable and justified. She worries that she won’t be able to protect the Princess without betraying her rebellious affiliations.
Her Highness, the Most Glorious Born on the 13th Day of Spring, the Crown Princess of Iospary is largely ignored. Her father dismisses her because she is blind, and she has learned it is safer to appear to be less than she is. One of the joys of the book, short though it is, is watching her blossom.
Skye Kilaen moves the plot along as she sets the scene. For a story about treason, betrayal and overthrowing a bad king, she keeps the plot spare enough that while I wouldn’t call it low angst or low tension, it is low drama. Glorious Day was the perfect thing to read on the day the President tweeted out a threat to delay the national election. It’s exactly the right kind of revolution romance for the current moment.
Skye Kilaen has a far better list of content warnings on her website than I could come up with. I received this as an arc from the author in exchange for an honest review.