The hot picks shelf at my library is a thing to behold. Even when I am there just to attend book club, or to bring the kiddo and I “don’t need any books” this display on the way in and out always catches my eye. I of course had heard of the phenomenon (both film, and book) Crazy Rich Asians but hadn’t picked it up yet. However, yet another book club I am in has it on its list and I am a sucker for getting pretend-doesn’t-really-matter “credit” for reading a book, so it was at the forefront of my mind. When I saw it on the hot picks shelf, the pressure was on – no renewals allowed! I wasn’t sure if it would be my cup of tea but I was delighted to find it most definitely is.
Rachel has been dating her boyfriend Nick for a while and he is the best man in his friend’s wedding back home in Singapore and wants to take her with for this event, and for the summer. She tries to temper her expectations for what “this could mean” for their relationship, and agrees to the trip with a little trepidation and a lot of excitement. From the moment she is shown to her first class plane accommodations she see that Nick has perhaps left out a lot regarding his family history and wealth. She is in for quite the surprise to learn he is essentially unofficial Singaporean royalty and she is swept into a world of opulence beyond her imagination. And of course, his family is just over the moon about his ABC (American-born Chinese) girlfriend that they didn’t even know about. HA. Yeah, no. Hijinks ensue.
This novel is a delicious and fun romp and an interesting glimpse into an elite world, and into an Asia that I don’t know much about. It took me a little bit to get into it, but, after a chapter or two I was hooked and barely put it down. Two enthusiastic thumbs up! Also, I had no idea this was a trilogy. I am on a hold for number two (sitting at number 7!) and have my fingers crossed it’ll get to me to round out my cannonball, but it’s more likely it’ll be a fun edition to my