I’ve found many readers can be put into two categories: those who love Stephen King, and those who don’t, but are afraid to admit it. Okay, maybe I’m projecting. But the internet LOOOOOVES Stephen King. At least the circles in which I find myself. So much so that I know there’s something wrong with me for not loving his books. It’s been my dirty little literary secret.
I started with IT. I remember bits and pieces of the miniseries that aired in 1990. Did I actually see the whole thing? Regardless, I picked up the book and gave it a go. I’m pretty sure I didn’t get through that, so I’m gonna go ahead and say I saw the TV version in it’s entirety. I had to, because I remember that I hated the ending.
Then came the Tommyknockers. 1993. I remember clearly that I didn’t get through that book. I was too bored by the minute details that went on for pages and pages about what’shisname…Garrett? Gardner! (thanks wikipedia). Again, wasn’t crazy about the ending.
If you’re beginning to wonder why I decided to read these books knowing already I didn’t like the ending of the movies, I too, wonder.
But it’s Stephen King! And he’s a master! And I already had the books at home. And I think I liked the movies enough to give the books a go.
Maybe the problem was my age? I was in junior high and high school in the 90’s. Maybe I wasn’t mature enough for King.
So skip ahead about 17 years and we are at Bag of Bones. Now THIS one? Wasn’t too bad. Although I read it before I started blogging, so I don’t really remember much about it. But it’s probably what gave me the confidence to tackle The Gunslinger.
THAT? A big fat nope. Just a lot of dust and wandering and a guy and a kid and I don’t even know what else.
So I’m batting about .250. Not too shabby if you have a leather glove instead of a Stephen King book in hand. So why, WHY did I think The Shining would be a good idea? I honestly don’t remember. Except that I was on vacation and in the mood for something scary.
And thank baby Jesus I thought it was great! I didn’t just finish it ( a crowning achievement in itself) I actually, truly, liked it! I’m not going to go into details about the plot except to say that the movie isn’t a good representation of the book. So if you really want to know what Stephen King’s The Shining is about, read the book. And you’ll get a great dose of a grand, empty hotel with haunted rooms and characters you’ll care about. I loved the setting, the backstories, the isolation, and yes, even the ending.
Check out the blist for more reviews by genericwhitegirl.