This was a much better read for me than Book 1. While I still feel that I’m missing some of the context that happened before Book 1, Book 2 continues from where Book 1 left off, returning to familiar characters and conflicts. Book 2 continues to show us the ongoing conflict between the Wakandans and their Black Panther and the rival guerilla leader who is trying to get Wakandans to return to their past roots. Ironically, reading this post-election, it feels like this rival leader could really have the slogan, “Make Wakanda Great Again.”
I appreciated the development of the conflict that Wakanda is facing. The nation is having to redefine itself. While the struggles that Wakanda faces are unique, there is a universal element, especially in 2017, that feels like many nations are having to redefine themselves too. I for one and concerned with the way many, i.e. White Americans, are wanting to make things “great” again. But a nation can never go back. And going back for one group to find priviledge, usually means that another group finds itself subjugated.
The solution the Wakandans, and I believe many other nations should do as well, is turning to their past to find out how to confront these turn of events. If something worked in the past, how can we take the underlying principle and apply it to our modern times? The problem is that the old ways can’t answer for a changing world including technology. The same goes fro T’Challa. He’s wrestling with maintaining the dynasty while trying to find ways to confront a new world. The solution that T’Challa and the Wakandans are finding is that they have to return to their principles and find creative ways to apply them in the changing world.