You know a song is great when it can be covered in any style. Think of how many people have covered Dylan and The Beatles. You also know that a fictional universe is great when you can tell any kind of story within it. While I am not a huge fan of the Star Wars movies, I do appreciate the universe. It is so well known that it can be a backdrop for any story in any medium. Star Wars: Edge of the Empire is my favorite role playing game. Republic Commando was one of the best first-person shooters on the original X-Box. And now, Agent of the Empire is a spy story…in space!
Jahan Cross is a charming, devilish “diplomat” who may or may not dabble in espionage on behalf of the Empire. He likes fast speeders, powerful blasters, and saucy Twi’leks. In this volume, Cross finds himself called in to discover a secret [plot device]. Along the way he meets some gruff detectives, sad beauties, and tycoons that may need some killing. Like most Bond movies, plot isn’t the point. The point is the witty banter, the action, and the sexy Twi’leks. Cross is closer to a Casino Royale Bond than any other – his personal history makes him sympathetic. You understand why he is an Imperial agent, as opposed to a Rebel. Don’t worry, a couple of very loved Rebels make a cameo.
Ostrander, who has written some popular Star Wars comics, has fun with the script. The art excels at conveying action. A more mod look would’ve been ideal for me, but I liked it. If you’re into spies and/or Star Wars, this could be a fun read, if not a memorable one.
For you real nerds who want to know where this fits in the timeline – it’s three years before A New Hope.