It’s time for our Cannonball Holiday Tradition – Book Exchange!
Katie (faintingviolet) has offered to handle the arrangement of the exchange again this year. You can email her directly with any questions and to sign up (see the directions below). The CBR Book Exchange is completely voluntary, but it’s a nice way to add another layer to our sense of community here at CBR and a lovely excuse to purchase something via the Cannonball Read Buy Hole. Remember, 100% of the percentages generated through the Buy Hole go to the American Cancer Society to fight cancer.
If you are interested in participating this year, here are the details:
The time line:
- Sign up by 1 December.
- Send a package to your recipient by 13 December. You will receive an email with details from Katie no later than 2 December.
- Send an email to Katie when you send your package and when you receive your package so she can make sure everyone is on track. If you haven’t received a package by 1 Jan, send Katie an email.
- Post a picture of your gift in a post on the group blog, and tag it with BookExchange and mark the review number as 0.
How to sign up:
It’s easy! Send an email to Katie at and include the following information:
- Your Full Name and Mailing Address
- Your CBR Name
- If you are willing to send internationally. (We have Cannonballers all over the world!)
- Whether you wish to remain anonymous (keep it as a “Secret Santa”)
- Some information to help your gifter – a wish list with 5-10 books (make sure there are paperbacks included in this since hard covers can get expensive), a list of favored authors and genres – fortunately, with this blog we should be able to get some ideas about what everyone likes. Also, anything you absolutely wouldn’t read. Also if you have a Goodreads account or LibraryThing that could be good to have a look at as well.
Food for thought:
If you send a used book, make sure it is in a good condition– think “like new.” Feel free to add something to the package, like candy, something bookish, or something festive. Like last year there isn’t a money constraint on this, because the guidance “send a book or two with a small something extra” seemed to be enough to restrain people from going too crazy and keep the monetary amount within limits.
Enjoy and Happy Reading!