As this is a sequel to Me Before You it goes without saying there are spoilers ahead.
So stop reading this review if you haven’t read Me Before you.
Are you gone now?
Last call…
After You picks up about two years after Will Traynor’s death. He has left enough money for Louisa to travel around Europe and buy a flat in London. He wanted her to do something with her life but her grief caused her to miss her opportunity to take the fashion course she was accepted in and she has spent the last few months tending bar at the airport. One night, a little tipsy, she goes up to her roof to wallow when she slips and falls a few stories down.
Her parents, worried she is suicidal, make her go into a support group for people who have suffered a loss. She discovers that the paramedic, Sam, who rescued her is related to a boy who lost his mother and begins a flirtatious relationship with him.
During all of this a sixteen year old girl,Lily, appears in her doorway claiming to be Will’s daughter. Her mother dated Will in college and always told her that he didn’t want to be part of her life. When news gets out that Will died Lily seeks out Louisa for information about her father. Louisa worries that she is being unfaithful to Will by developing feelings for Sam and Lily’s presence is a constant reminder of Will.
As far as sequels go I felt the characters were well represented. Louisa didn’t grow up too much from her time with Will (which would have been unrealistic) but his effects on her were there. Louisa had remained in touch with Will’s nurse, Nathan, and while she had lost contact with the Traynors she reached out to them when she discovered Lily’s existence. There was a subplot with Louisa’s parents that felt a little unnecessary, but it was nice to check in on them.
All in all a satisfying sequel to a book I really liked. I did get a bit misty at the end.