I do tend to follow along behind Malin and Mrs. Julien when it comes to reading Romance. They have good taste and I can take their suggestions and not read the books that induce feelings of rage.
The Wild Season series is my first experience with the bff writing team known as Christina Lauren. I read all three books this weekend and enjoyed them. Often with series the first book is the strongest and they go down from there. In this case, I found that each book was better than the last. There is one more book due out in February. Intriguingly, I’m not sure who the central characters will be.
The basic premise of the series is that 3 women go to Vegas to celebrate graduating from college. While there, they meet 3 men who are there together for some reason. They all get drunk and marry each other. Each book deals with one couple.
Mia and Ansel (Sweet Filthy Boy) are the couple who got it all started and decide to stay married for the summer. The whole story seems improbable and works solely on the charm of the characters. There are some interesting sexcapades and a completely predictable point of conflict. Mia is the stronger character of the two, and stands up for herself well during the inevitable climactic fight. Ansel isn’t without charm, but was not especially compelling. Their relationship seems mostly based on sex and Mia’s comfort with Ansel. 3 stars.
Harlow and Finn (Dirty Rowdy Thing) benefit from having all the exposition out of the way and from having their friends in the mix. Their relationship is initially based even more on sex. Somehow, they are each in a vulnerable place and thrown together. I was a little surprised by how much I was able to believe their relationship. 3.5 stars.
Lola and Oliver (Dark Wild Night) are the two that most go their own way. They are friends first, and seem to have the most believable friendship of the bunch. while their conflict was the most out of the blue to me, the way they resolved that conflict was more interesting. Of all the couples I most believed their happily would be ever after. 3.75 stars.