On my second time through this book, I have lots and lots of thoughts. Be warned, this is not so much a review as a series of reactions, mostly broken up by character, so spoilers ahoy. Ye’ve been warned, matey. (I have no idea why I’m suddenly a pirate.)
Back when I first read this book in 2011, I came to it fresh off my first re-read of the first four books, which I had devoured in the space of about a month. I was also super high on the first season of the show, the last scene of which I re-watched approximately one billion times. (Umm, NSFW on that link, P.S.) The date-stamp on my Goodreads review says I finished the book on July 19th, which was seven days after it was released, but I remember that I saved the book for the weekend, so really most of that reading was done over the course of two days. I mention this because when I picked up the book to re-read it this time, I had no idea that it would take me two months to do so.
Two months with a book is a loooooong time for me, especially with a book I previously really liked. And what I’ve concluded is that I read it so fast the first time because I had narrative urgency on my side. I needed to be back in Westeros and find out what had happened to Dany and Jon and Tyrion, who had been missing for an entire book at that point. This time through, that narrative urgency was almost completely gone, which is not a good sign for the book. I re-read books all the time, and even when I know exactly what’s going to happen, if it’s good, that narrative pull is still there. In a well-constructed story, finding out what’s going to happen is not the main source of pleasure for me. It’s watching events follow one another, experiencing character interactions, anticipating the pleasurable story-beats, and watching as the rising tension explodes all over your face in the climax of the book.
This book does not do those things. It’s so full of details that maybe don’t need to be there that GRRM literally did not have room in the book to include the most important part of the story, that climax and “resolution.” I say “resolution” because with him it’s never quite that simple, but it’s moments like the birth of Dany’s dragons in book one and Tyrion killing his father in book three that are clearly the culmination of those characters’ arcs in that specific book that make those books so rewarding. There are none of those moments in this book. The battles outside Winterfell and Meereen will be happening in the opening of Winds of Winter, and the tiny bit of gratification we receive as Dany finally abandons Meereen on the back of Drogon, only to meet up with a new khalasar isn’t enough, because we don’t really know where it’s going. It’s the same reason that A Feast for Crows wasn’t as satisfying as the previous three books. It’s not a complete story. (Although, I think I actually like AFFC better because while it’s not complete in all its stories, barring Cersei’s arc, which is wonderful, it’s at least not 1200 pages long.) But I want to talk about it character by character, just to work some stuff out, because why the hell not. Season five of the show will be over in two weeks, and who knows how long we’ll have to wait for WOW–although I’m hopeful for Spring 2016. The show is definitely catching up (really, caught at this point) to the show, but the looming specter of season six has dropped hot coals into GRRM’s pants, and I think he at least wants his say one more time before we all know the end. That’s my theory, anyway.
So let’s talk some shit.
Arya: I’m aware this might be an unpopular opinion, but I absolutely hate what is happening with Arya right now. That doesn’t mean it doesn’t make narrative sense, because it does, I just happen to hate it a whole bunch. Arya has basically spent the past several years forced to live through a bunch of horrible shit, kidnapped by one person after another, lost all her family (that she is aware of), and learned to become a killer. Sticking them with the pointy end has become the only way for her to respond that gives her back a measure of agency over her life. So yeah, of course when presented with the opportunity to become a badass assassin and finally have the skills and means to start crossing names off of her list, she’s going to take it. It’s not the idea of Arya as badass assassin that bothers me, though. I actually quite like that idea, although I do hope if she goes that route, it’s something that she’ll be able to put behind her eventually. I don’t want her to have a completely unhappy ending, but I don’t think she’ll ever be able to live as a regular old noble again. What I hate is how the Faceless Men are training her to forget who she is and where she came from. I hate how they want her to erase her identity and become someone else. Everything inside of me instinctively recoils from it. I want her to leave the Faceless Men with her identity intact. I have no idea when this is going to happen, and because of that, Arya’s story feels really incomplete.
Dany: I touched on this a little above (and below), but I hate hate hate Meereen. I understand why she chose to stay there, that she needs to learn to rule, but doing it here is a bad idea. She’s never going to change this place, and trying is only changing her. Sitting there for a thousand pages and having to watch that happen to her is just really painful. For me, flying away with Drogon is not enough of a response to how much I hate Meereen and want her to leave there. It’s time for her to go to Westeros and start her endgame there. It needs to happen in the first half of the next book. Absolutely NEEDS to. She and Tyrion need to meet (like they have in the show–YAY), and he needs to advise her, and they need to leave. Also, fucking Hizdahr is totally the Harpy.
Tyrion/Jorah: I may also be alone in liking most of Tyrion’s chapters. I think towards the end it drags a little bit too much with all the wallowing and being a slave, and I really wish he could just meet Dany already. But he clearly can’t do that until she comes back. What I like most about Tyrion’s story in the book that I think the show doesn’t capture quite as well is how far from his element Tyrion is for the first time in his life. Dealing with the fallout of his murders, being an exile, and being treated like a real dwarf for the first time in his life, instead of the privileged version he’s been experiencing as a Lannister. (Not that he’s had a great life, because of his father, but if his father had treated him as he should have, Tyrion would have had quite the charmed life.) That’s why I like the Penny character. She’s a sort of mirror character for Tyrion as he sees what his life might have been like if he had been born to a different family. But still, it drags on just a little too much. We didn’t need to see anything with the slave ship, for instance. Couldn’t have just skipped that entirely. As for Jorah, he’s so pathetic, especially towards the end. I’m not sure why I included him here. I don’t have anything extra to say.
Winterfell/Theon: Again, minority here, but as brutal as the Theon/Reek scenes were, they were also really interesting. It’s a bit hard for me to remember it what with the show spending SEASONS AND SEASONS AND EONS developing Ramsay Snow/Bolton as a villain, and actually showing us endless torturing Theon scenes, but at one point it was refreshing to see Theon show up here. In terms of the books, we hadn’t seen him since the end of A Clash of Kings, at which point we hated him pretty much a lot. Here, then, was a chance for GRRM to do what he does with hated characters and totally turn our opinions on their heads as the characters change and realize things. Theon absolutely regrets his actions in leaving Robb and trying to take Winterfell, which in hindsight is just a sad way for him to recapture a connection to this heritage he thought he lost, and which he should have left lost. For me, Theon’s redemption is hard to sit through, but ultimately rewarding storywise. I also think he’s a good way in to all the madness that’s happening in Winterfell.
Stannis/Asha/Melisandre: I don’t even know. I hate Melisandre quite a bit in the books, mostly because she’s so willfully stupid all the time. Stannis is so obviously NOT Azor Ahai reborn and she does such horrible things in service to making him appear to be to satisfy her own delusions that I just want to rip out all the pages with her on them and then set them on fire and stomp on their ashes. There was one chapter in here from her POV, and I actually think there should have been more just so I can see how she justifies her actions. Maybe it would make me hate her less.
Davos: Love this guy as a character, but the first half of the book his scenes were SO BORING.
Bran: See things from inside weirwood trees. No idea how this will play in the endgame.
Jaime/Cersei: So satisfying to see Jaime acting on his own and with a conscience, and so so so satisfying to see him ignore his sister’s selfish plea for help, using her “love” for him as bait just to get a rescue. They may have been in a twisted, narcisstic relationship in the past, but separated, Jaime is a quality human being. Cersei is angry, selfish and stupid. Also, short-sighted and cruel. It’s satisfying to see her humiliated as she is here, and I do wish she would learn something from the experience, but I highly doubt that she will. She’s too far gone, and too full of herself and all her stupid, unjustified anger. As for Jaime, Brienne is obviously leading him into a trap with Lady Stonheart, and I hate it. I want them to hold hands and be BFFs braiding each other’s hair forever.
Jon: And finally, the big one. Jon has some rough patches, but he’s a natural at being a leader. He’s a good guy, and a smart guy, and he’s not afraid of making tough choices that will make him unpopular, but which are the right thing to do. I am very worried about him. I actually had to stop reading and take to Goodreads to get some encouraging words from my GR friends to assure me that he was going to be okay. Ultimately, I think he will be, but again, I wish GRRM hadn’t chosen to stop the story with his stabbing. It feels like a cheap ploy, and ending the book with the aftermath would have been so much more satisfying, especially if it involves Melisandre bringing him back from the dead, and his sword catching on fire or something equally as dramatic. His stabbing didn’t feel like resolution, it felt like stalling. It doesn’t vindicate his arc here of learning to be a leader.
Anyway, complicated thoughts summed up. I like this book because it gives me more of the world and the characters that I love to read about, but as an individual story it fails in some pretty major ways. GRRM needed to kill a lot more of his darlings to make it work, in my opinion (and I’m not exactly sure what exactly about Meereen gave him so much trouble, but I hate that place and want Dany to basically burn it to the ground in book six). I rated it four stars upon finishing in 2011, but that was more like 4.5 stars, which means my 3.5 star rating this time is actually minus a full star. Anyways, all this verbal diarrhea aside, I will be diving into the eventual sixth book with hot greedy fingers when the time comes.
[3.5 stars]