About a week ago Facebook friend and fellow Pajiban, Vermillion, started posting images from something called Atomic Robo. This is the post that really grabbed me.–>
OBVIOUSLY, I needed to know more. It turns out the dinosaur is Dr. Dinosaur and he is possibly Atomic Robo’s enemy, or frenemy. I don’t really know, because he hasn’t shown up yet.
Atomic Robo was built by Nikola Tesla. He is a self-aware robot. An adventurer with a wry and biting sense of humor. He is a core member of Tesladyne Industries. He and the Action Scientists have adventures, fight things that should not exist, and battle Robo’s nemeses (including Stephen Hawking). Robo wise cracks and makes things go boom.
What’s remarkable about Robo is how a relatively featureless face conveys so many emotions and attitudes. So far, Atomic Robo isn’t deep, not like Saga. It is fun. It is reminiscent of adventure shows on the radio from the 1950’s. That might be because so far a lot of his adventures are set during WWII. But I think it’s also a function of jumping from adventure to adventure without an overarching plot (so far).
You can buy Atomic Robo comics on Amazon and thereby contribute to raising money to fight cancer. (Fu*k cancer! I’m sure Robo would feel the same way.) Or you can get Robo online for free at Atomic-Robo.com and spend your money on some awesome Cannonball Read gear at Zazzle.com which also raises money to fight cancer. (Again, FU*K CANCER!) You can also do both. Why not both? You probably should give Atomic Robo a try either way. It’ll be fun, and now is the time for reading fun and frothy things.