Shit, as they say, is getting real.
Sex Criminals, Vol. 1 remains one of the funniest, sexiest, most ridiculous things I’ve ever read. That it’s a comic is only a plus. It would have been funny and sexy and touching if it was just words, but Suzie and Jon and their friends really come to life in the colorful, sometimes profane, artwork. (There are also some truly hilarious visual gags as well.) But if One Weird Trick was all about introducing Suzie and Jon and their Special Power, then Two Worlds, One Cop is about what happens once the newness of their meeting wears off. How do they make this new life of theirs work?
We learned last time around that both Suzie and Jon had felt alone emotionally their whole lives, and their meeting not only gave them someone they could experience their sexualities with fully, but someone who they could relate to in every other aspect of their lives as well. They were an instant team, them versus the world. But we also learned that Suzie’s job was at stake, and that Jon’s mental health could possibly be an issue. So that’s how they can go from this:
To this:
The meat of this volume involves both Jon and Suzie working to figure out, first themselves, and then how they can work together to actually make a relationship they can actually practically maintain without their lives dissolving into chaos. Or, you know, getting arrested every five seconds by the fucking Sex Police. Yeah. Those guys, remember them from last time?
Jon has been self-medicating for quite some time, but he finally reaches a breaking point when his new therapist prescribes him drugs that essentially castrate him, pushing him to act out in order to feel anything at all. This leads to some encounters with Kegel Face (the leader of the Sex Police) that have ramifications not only for his relationship with Suzie, but also for one of the things Suzie cares most about in the world. The library.
This leads to a rocky period between the two of them that finds Suzie reconnecting with her best friend, getting a new gyno, and Jon getting a new therapist, among other things. Fraction and Zdarsky also begin to expand their world away from just being about Suzie and Jon. Their respective best friends get fleshed out (heh). We get to see the origin story of Jasmine St. Cocaine, who actually becomes a player in the ongoing story. And we get to see the inside of Kegel Face’s house. (THE DILDO THRONE.)
And Jon, well. Jon is still having a hard time:
I cannot for the life of me find out when the next issue of this series is due to be published let alone the next volume, which won’t even be published until they have at least five issues to collect together. And that is unacceptable.