“Evil Online Genius” is correct. Even if you’ve never heard of David Thorne, you’ve probably read something by him. The series of movie posters created for a co-worker with a missing cat? That was him. The guy who tried to pay his chiropractor with a picture of a spider? That was him. He’s a graphic designer, but he spends his time tormenting others (usually through email), then posting those things on his blog, 27bslash6. Assuming even half of what he writes is true, he’s an asshole. But he’s damn funny.
“Opinions are like nipples, everybody has one. Some have firm points, others are barely discernible through layers, and some are displayed at every opportunity regardless of whether the audience has stated “I am interested in your nipples” or not.”
I’d never heard his name, but I’ve seen some of David Thorne’s stuff on reposted other places. Last week, someone posted something of his on Imgur — I think the list of his co-worker Simon’s complaints again him (they have a very Jim/Dwight thing going on) — and followed the link to his website. It’s hysterical. When I saw he’d written a book (actually there’s 2 or 3 — this is the 1st), I immediately snagged it from the library.
People who’ve been following his site for years might not find much new here, but I’d only seen about 1/3 of it and thought it was hilarious. Even the stuff I’d seen before is very re-readable. The whole thing needs to be taken with a grain of salt, but it’s very funny material and had me laughing out loud at times. Definitely a fun (occasionally mean, but that’s okay) read.