Finally. Two of my favorite superheroes in one comic book! Green Arrow Green Lantern, Vol 1 by Dennis O’Neil was a nice break from the Green Arrow-as-lead-hero graphic novels that I’ve been reading. While each newer edition keeps improving on Green Arrow’s cannon, it is nice to have something new thrown into the mix. In this edition, Green Lantern and Arrow join forces to find out what it means to be American and fight evil a long the way. What’s not made clear is why they are finding out what America’s heart and soul is nor if they found it. But there were some good moments a long the way.
What was nice is that Green Lantern stole the show from Green Arrow. In the 80’s Green Arrow seems to have become cynical and cranky. He seems to fight evil not because it’s evil but because he’s angry and wants to vent it onto the hapless crooks who cross his path. Green Lantern on the other hand is naive as they come. This combination created an interesting conflict in this volume. Green Lantern is challenged to see that the world is not separated into clear-cut good and evil. Sometimes grey areas exist. Green Arrow was pushed to get out of his mood and to actually like people and do something good for the well-being of others.
So who actually stole the show? Black Canary! She springs up half-way through this volume and completely steals the show. She doesn’t shy away from any confrontation and can judo chop like anyone’s business! I’ll stand by her any day. Maybe because I don’t know much about her character, but I enjoyed that it wasn’t just Green Arrow in this volume. Having the other characters helped to round out the plot. I’m looking forward to the next volume. Hopefully it will continue to improve on what’s come before it. This is definitely a must read for those that are attempting to read the Green Arrow cannon.