Two impulsive lovers, each harboring deep seated issues and old wounds, decide to take on the task of living at an isolated Alaskan lighthouse for a year. But Kyle and Anna’s attempts at hiding from their pasts only ends up bringing them closer to what haunts them than ever.
This book was an easy and engaging read, with lots of lush, vivid descriptors of the wild Alaskan landscape even as the two characters really do didn’t do a whole much. And I didn’t particularly like either Kyle or Anna as I found them very cold, unrealistically disciplined, and single-minded. I didn’t really care much if they stayed together, but I wanted to know how their stories ended, as well as what exactly it was that had carried them both so far from their homes and families.
The end held a reveal that was well concealed, but made me wonder how in the heck I didn’t see it coming.