So Alex Jones is my age, and he looks at least a decade older. I didn’t know that.
It’s an interesting book if, perhaps, not as funny as they think they are.
The 50 are mostly men and mostly white, but run not only the political spectrum but also sports, media, and so on. They pick “silly” choices like pop and reality stars, but also serious ones and people they might agree with politically. For instance, politicians who mean well but whose ideas were harmful in the long run are included.
There are too many asides and quibs directed at “snowflakes” but the writers seem more centered than anything else.
Of course. when a book says, “we need to learn how to read again – critically and without prejudice”, I tend to like it so, I am a bit biased there.
Some of the people, say Hitler, are not surprising, but some people are bit unusuall. It isn’t really a fault that Kim K. is here, but it is a little surprising that whoever developed the glossy cover photo is. (Okay, not really. The authors make an excellent case).
Lance Armstrong makes an appearance as does the player responsible for the hand of god. Not simply because of the hand, but also because of the diving. As I type this, I am watching the Women’s World Cup, and the ladies really don’t dive. Personally, I think this is because women refs are far less sympathetic to pain. But still.
The anaylsis of a certain pop star’s music is spot on.
But I should note that as I was reading this my brother kept picking it up. “Would you like to read it when I’m done?” I asked. No, he said. Of course, he said no, he kept sneak reading when I wasn’t looking.