Why is there a sub-genre of thrillers, and well anyone genre in a way, that just believes that every one is as much of a reader as the author is.
Aha! I will write a book and it will work! Just think about how bad of a plan this would be for like basically anybody but a very small percentage of Americans. Now this book is British, but it can’t be that much better.
AHA! The book is the thing, wherein I’ll find out the conscie….wait where, are you going? What do you publication is dying?
So an old man who might be a pedophile starts terrorizing a random documentary filmmaker by writing a book about her life where she’s murdered at the end.
The rest of the novel is a slow burn of a thriller where the truth of the knowledge and the crime(?) is revealed and turns out there might even be a few twists along the way.
I guess I am that sucker. Anyway, I am just stuck right now because I think the Tana French novels are so so so good and I think the Robert Galbraith novels are so so so good and so I want good British thrillers. I tried Mo Hayder and really didn’t like her stuff. And I DO like some very small percentage of Nordic thrillers.
But man, this ain’t it. It was fine. But it has that bad feeling of something who had a career way outside of publishing just being told too many times “You should write a BOOK.” Well, jokes on you; she did.