Oh Ms. Milan, thank you for such a delightful book. Everyone told me to wait till I got to The Suffragette Scandal to see what her novels were all about and they’re totally right! While I loved The Countess Conspiracy as a book, and less as a romance novel, this one definitely goes the other way. THIS is a romance novel. Of the best kind.
This time we have the story of Frederica (Free) Marshall, editrix of the Women’s Free Press and titular suffragette, and Edward Clark, nee DeLacy presumed dead Viscount. Edward comes back to England when he hears that his younger brother is stirring up trouble for an old family friend. That friend just so happens to work for Free, and so our set up begins.
And what you get is just wonderful. This is what I look for in a romance. People meeting, coming together, and finding ways to work together all without compromising who they actually are. Yes, there are the hoops that are required in order to reach the Happily Ever After, but when they go through them without constantly bickering/picking each other apart it’s always my favorite. Especially when the heroine is listened to and her opinion is not just considered, but often the one that is taken as fact. That’s rare, in real life, and still lots of romances, but, especially with these last two novels, Ms. Milan is succeeding by leaps and bounds at it.
So Mr. Beth Ellen can’t figure out why I prefer romance novels to almost anything else. His genre is science fiction, which I try from time to time to read some of to appease him, and I think if I were to ever have him read a romance novel this might be the one I’d give him. It has everything one looks for in a romance, and does it all easily. Why do I read romance novels? I love books with a heart. And this one has it in spades for sure.