A Kiss for Midwinter is perfect. It is so perfect that I can’t give it a perfect rating. Everything, the characters, the dialogue, the plotting, it’s all just right. And for that, because I’m an odd duck, it’s not my absolute favorite.
Lydia is the BFF of Minnie, our heroine from A Duchess War. Jonas is the town doctor who knows a horrible secret from Lydia’s past. Lydia, because Jonas knows this secret, dislikes him immensely, feeling that he is always judging her. Jonas, pessimistic doctor/scientist that he is, is quite attracted to optimistic Lydia, who keeps sunny in the most dire of situations. Jonas, in an attempt to convince Lydia he’s not the bad guy she thinks he is, strikes up a ridiculous bargain with her that forces them to spend time together. Obviously, sparks and more! ensue.
And Ms. Milan hit every beat. If ever you know someone who wants to write a romance novella, give them this as an example. In 94 pages she tells a complete story, while having real character development at the same time. It’s just incredible.
But not my favorite. Partly I think because I did not get to read it in one sitting, which for novellas is tough, but also because not only am I not a perfectionist, I’m what my mother calls an anti-perfectionist. I leave things unfinished on purpose. Yes, it does drive lots of people batty. But I was notorious to never answer the last question on a test, to stop writing an essay mid-sentence, to be the kid who never pursued a 100, but was cool with a 98. And so in reading this perfect novella I didn’t connect in the same way as I did to the slightly messier Governess Affair.
So yes, it’s perfect and wonderful. Everyone should read it. It’s just not my favorite. 4.5 stars.