As someone who has lived a good bit of her life in the Southern United States, I realized early on that I’m a bit of an outlier in my political leanings. Though I proudly claim to be a Democratic Socialist, I quite often get pushback from even my more progressive friends as to what that means. When I saw Answering Back by David Coates in my local used book store, I snatched it up, in hopes it would help me to be more clear about my views when political issues inevitably come up.
Coates is a Political Science professor at Wake Forest University, which is not exactly a bastion of liberal progressive ideology. Despite what Fox News might say, not all colleges are rife with communist and socialist ideologues, so I knew Coates would have good reason to frame the issues he discusses without malice and to present both the conservative and liberal perspectives with honesty. He does a great job.
Mrs Smith Reads Answering Back by David Coates