I finally have read the first book in the Pennyroyal Green series! Oh my goodness does this explain a lot of things! Although now I want to go back and read them in order because I have new questions. I’ve been reading them out of order for months, and different parts of them are slipping in and out of my head. I am short only 2 now, and honestly I hear neither are all that good so I might just wait for a bit.
Onto The Perils of Pleasure… where it all began… the almost hanging of Colin Eversea, rescued by Madeleine Greenway, and the adventure of solving who set Colin up to die. As far as an adventure story goes this one was a thrill! There’s the almost hanging, attempted murder, grave robbers, being hunted by an entire city, countess/footman love affairs etc. I really enjoyed the clever ways that they got out of situations and how resourceful both Madeleine and Colin were, using their individual strengths depending on the situation. I always do prefer the stories where the characters are older, and therefore generally equal partners in whatever is going on, than a simpering 18 year old relying on the man to solve everything.
As far as the romance aspect goes it was pretty light, especially compared to some of the later PG ones. The romance, and some of the smolder when it was there, were quite good, but this one felt way more like adventure-y with a dash of romance thrown in. Also the paragon that was Louisa was honestly annoyance. Having Colin “in love” with someone for 95% of the book just really drew away from their joint love story. She handled the same idea much more smoothly in What I Did for a Duke. Really I should just go read that one again for the 3rd time in 2015. It makes me so damn happy.
Well at least I now know where the entire story begins! And there was a twist at the end that explains a lot about some of the other characters, especially why I hate one in particular. For the Long or PG completists is a definite must, but just be prepared for more adventure than romance.