My first book of the new year was The 5th Wave by Rick Yancy. I had seen a pretty amazing book trailer for the book on the Penguin Young Readers channel on YouTube (check out the trailer at, and thought it would be an interesting read. If I had paid closer attention to the trailer, I probably wouldn’t have wanted to read it. My dad was a big Sci-Fi fan, so I grew up with Star Trek, Star Wars, Lost In Space (the original series), […]
The Raven Boys – Solid paranormal YA.
Full disclosure: I love YA. If I manage to make it through this year and challenge, I’m willing to bet that the majority of my reviews will fall into that category. No shame! The Raven Boys has been on my list of books to read for quite some time. I finally got a copy and, at first, wasn’t sure what to make of it. It jumped around between three or four characters a lot in the first few chapters, but once it finished the set […]