The holidays are just around the corner. It may only be the beginning of November, but the stores are already decorated and playing holiday music. So let’s talk about book giving for the holidays.
In Iceland they celebrate something called Jólabókaflóð (which means Christmas Book Flood.) The tradition, which started during WWII, is to give each other books on Christmas Eve. Families then spend the evening reading with a warm drink by a cozy fire. That sounds like heaven to me!
Some people follow this rhyme when giving holiday gifts:
- Something you want,
- Something you need,
- Something to wear,
- Something to read.
This might not lead to enough books – I propose this version instead:
- A book you want,
- A book you need,
- A book to share,
- And one more book to read.
Do you typically give or get books as holiday gifts? What books are you giving this year? What books are you hoping to get this year? Share with us in the comments.
If you are registered for CBR15, keep an eye out for our Holiday Book Exchange sign-up, coming soon!